3rd International Congress of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Second announcement

Dear colleagues,

Society of Chemists and Technologists of Canton Sarajevo and Faculty of Science, is delighted to welcome you to Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina for the “ 3rd International Congress of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina” on October 19-21, 2018, at Hotel Holiday in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Congress will cover different areas of chemistry and chemical technology and offer an opportunity for scientists to exchange latest research findings and ideas and develop a collaboration with colleagues from Bosnia and Herzegovina and from all around the world.

Detailed information  will be posted at the ICCCE B&H website: www.pmf.unsa.ba/hemija/kongres and for abstract submission (oral or poster presentations) please visit:http://www.pmf.unsa.ba/hemija/kongres/index.php/en/call-for-papers.

The Organizing and Scientific Committee would like to invite you to take the participation in  3rd ICCCE B&H, with hope that you will have a productive and good time here in Sarajevo.

ICCCEBIH 2018 Second announcement

Best regards,

3rd ICCCE  B&H Organizing Committee

Congress secretaries:   Dragan Krešić, Anes Krečo

Phone: +387 33 279 902

e-mail: cccebih@outlook.com; dragankresic84@gmail.com